Friday, March 29, 2013

Artist Interview: Fox and Bear

I know we said this would be up in the "next couple of days," but since then we've been to Texas and back, fallen extremely ill, and have otherwise been occupied. But at long last we have it for you: the long awaited interview with Fox and Bear Band.

The jazzy math-rock duo Fox and Bear Band is definitely in the business of blurring boundaries. These Long Beach, California natives effect an energetic, electric sound. Their sui generis style is made even more impressive by the absence of any guitars. Who needs six strings when four will do the trick? Far from sounding thin, Adam Barnes manages to fill out their sound with some tasteful distortion and prime musical choices. Dan Birker’s stellar technique is refreshing and makes for some solid drumming. Both these boys are impressively talented at their instruments; perhaps even wizards. Today we take a look at who these fellows are and how they do what they do:

Friday, March 1, 2013

Upcoming - The Fox and Bear Band

The The Fox and Bear Band feature should be up within the next couple of days,

Please, Check them out.
for fans of:

Lightning Bolt
Tera Melos

and things like that...

Keep your little hearts open
and things like that…
